BOAT LIFE: how we LIVE here | [...]
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Owner: Beau and Brandy Sailing

BOAT LIFE: how we LIVE here | 126 | beau and brandy sailing


Location: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Latitude: 12.98000000
Longitude: -61.29000000
Published: 24 Sep 2020

Want a washer / spinner in your tiny home? LIFE CHANGER YALL! The one we got gifted was from Thailand, this is the CLOSET one to what we have:

LIVESTREAM September 28th at 8pm EST (New York Time)
JOIN US, set a reminder here:

We’re moving, anchorages that is. We’re leaving the beautiful Tobago Cays to explore a new island, Canouan. Over the past 2 years we have been traveling and living fulltime on our sailboat Saoirse. Sleeping, cooking, eating, cleaning, working and all the stuff that comes with LIVING. We just do it in a teeny tiny space of 70 square feet. The size of your average walk in closet. Could you do it? Well this is a little peek into how we LIVE here. Once there we show you just a few of the many daily and weekly chores we do on Saoirse. Hope you enjoy!

big love,
beau, brandy, and our salty dog, oona
#boatlife #canouan #beauandbrandy

