WE HAVE NO IDEA what we are in [...]
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Owner: Beau and Brandy Sailing

WE HAVE NO IDEA what we are in for | 105 | Beau and Brandy Sailing


Location: St Martin
Latitude: 18.08000000
Longitude: -63.05000000
Published: 23 Apr 2020

WE HAVE NO IDEA what we are in for | 105 | Beau and Brandy Sailing

Last week we sailed into St. Marten. Here we were going to reprovision and get work done, before heading onto Puerto Rico where we were going to visit with family. This week we switch anchorages from Marigot Bay to Grand Case. We were told this was a better anchorage from some friends and we are READY to get in the water and check it out!

We snorkel Creole Reef and its FILLED with fish. You can see the coral life has been effected by hurricane Irma when she came through.

We start hearing about Coronoa virus here. In over the next couple of weeks a lot of plans change for us. When we arrived here we really had NO idea what was going to happen.

Hope you enjoy this episode. Be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already! https://www.youtube.com/c/sailingsaoirse

#sailingsaoirse #sailingstmartin #freediving

big love,

beau, brandy, and our salty dog, oona
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Have you seen our T - shirts 👕 ?! All proceeds of these shirts are going straight to help recover from fixing up Saoirse! Which may take awhile.

Grab your 👕 HERE: http://www.bonfire.com/help-put-saoirse-back-together-again
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our camera gear*:
main camera: https://amzn.to/2lm2bSY
go pro camera: https://amzn.to/2JMXRoa
backup camera: https://amzn.to/2l8e3ry

solar setup*:
controller: https://amzn.to/2lm7hP7
panels: https://amzn.to/2jUoONN
music licensed from epidemic sound:
The Wave - Onda Norte
Don't Turn Off The Lights - oomiee
Kvikkjokk - Strom
Kermode - Tigerblood Jewel
For the Love of the Ocean - Martin Hall
*This channel is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate Program. Help us earn a little bit at no cost to you, just click one of our Amazon links before you check out.

