When Paradise Turns to Hell | [...]
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Owner: Beau and Brandy Sailing

When Paradise Turns to Hell | Sailing Martinique | 98 | Beau and Brandy Sailing


Location: Saint-Pierre
Latitude: 14.78000000
Longitude: -61.18000000
Published: 5 Mar 2020

When PARADISE turns to HELL | Sailing Martinique | 98 | Beau and Brandy Sailing

We continue sailing up the west coast of Martinique into the harbor of St. Pierre. Here one of the deadliest volcanoes overlooks the anchorage. In 1902 the volcano erupted and leveled the town of 30,000 in 3 seconds. Hundreds of ships burst into flames and sunk, not able to break away from their anchors in time.

We dive one of these ships that sunk during the eruption, the Amelie. It’s quite eerie to see something growing beautifully underwater that ends so tragically.

We heard there was one survivor found alive in St. Pierre four days after the eruption. He was locked in his underground jail cell, which in turn saved his life, because the deadly gas and ash were unable to reach him. We were able to go into town and look around at the destruction. Lots of areas, including the jail cell and the local theater still remain just as the day the volcano erupted.

Hope you enjoy!

#sailingsaoirse #sailingmartinique #shipwreckdive

big love,
beau, brandy, and our salty dog, oona
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music licensed from epidemic sound:
Divergent - Ooyy
Waste Our Time - BLAEKER
The Face Of Everything - Kim Aspen
Astral Roar - Lama House
Mountain Spring - Smartface
Final Wave 1 - August Wilhelmsson
For the Love of the Ocean - Martin Hall
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