Al Khor Carnival at Night - Al [...]
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Owner: Dutch Sailing Family

Al Khor Carnival at Night - Al Bayt Stadium


Location: Al-Khor Stadium
Latitude: 25.65000000
Longitude: 51.49000000
Published: 30 Jan 2021

Al Khor Carnival at Night at Al Bayt Stadium. The Carnival has started at this Qatar 2022 World Cup Stadium, and I went back there for you to show it fully opened and at night! We saw beautiful light displays like the Zoo of Lights and the Inflatable Park, in addition to all the food stalls, shows, kids games, and inflatables. The Carnival is on until the 6th of February 2021, daily from 12pm until 10pm.

For more information, suggestions or questions, please get in touch with me on

Stay tuned and S U B S C R I B E for many more adventures kitesurfing, paragliding, sailing and travelling around Qatar and abroad!

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Also remember I have a continuous Give-Away running. Anyone commenting on my videos has a chance to win 50 QAR or 10 USD every month! Let's hear from you!

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Definitely Subscribe to my channel for more travel and adventure sports videos, both in Qatar and abroad. I really enjoy getting to know new people from around the world this way. You can expect Kitesurfing, Paragliding and Paramotoring, Drone videography and in the future hopefully even a live aboard sailboat featuring on the channel!

Check my facebook page to get some behind the scenes updates and find me on instagram for some eye candy. On my blog I write about my adventures too!


Soundtracks in my videos are taken from the Epidemic Sound library.
These are the tracks in this video:
If You Wanna See Me Again - Spring Gang
Stay In Your Sunlight - Basixx

Did you like the music? Sign up for Epidemic Sound here:

For inquiries contact theultimatefreggle - a t -

Wishing you lots of Ultimate Adventures - The Ultimate Freggle

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#alkhorcarnival #albaytstadium #qatar2022 #alkhorcarnivalnight #ultimatefreggle

