Happy Hop Princess Bouncer Full Setup & Review!
Happy Hop Princess Slide & Bouncer full unboxing setup and review. Thank you Yalla Toys Qatar, they were so kind to gift us with the Happy Hop Princess Bouncy Castle so we had a chance to review it for you!
👇🏼 Buy the Princess Bouncer here👇🏼
👍 More about Yalla Toys 👍
Yalla Toys is Qatar’s pioneer e-commerce platform specializing in toys that inspire kids of all ages. Our unique online shopping place stands out from the rest when it comes to featuring an extensive portfolio of prominent international brands that are thoughtfully crafted to engage and nurture your child‛s imagination and creativity.
We are driven by the goal of creating exciting & adventurous experiences for children and parents alike. That's because at Yalla Toys, we believe childhood is a vital chapter in life-----a special time when children are occupied with the simple joys of being children. More so, this is the stage where children need to experience as much creative, imaginative play as possible because kids learn through play.
The name ‘Yalla’ was chosen to reflect pure excitement towards playing, often seen in children. It builds social skills and is a traditional rallying call to group together. Playing is at the center of every home. And Yalla Toys strives to be a symbol of family spirit and of a special playfulness that parents and children enjoy together.
With these values in mind, we bring home world-class kid-powered, screen-free toys and games that encourage active and creative play the whole family can enjoy. With our wide collection of innovative & high-quality toys, we celebrate family and childhood.
Though our portfolio of stellar products is steadily expanding, we still guarantee that each item is carefully hand-picked for its quality, safety, and relevance to your child's development-and we're steadfast in our commitment to provide you with toys you'll feel good about gifting.
You can now enjoy hassle-free online shopping at Yalla Toys, from the comfort of your couch at the click of a button. Furthermore, we have our own warehousing facilities coupled with delivery services provided through a collaboration with Q-post, that has an extensive and well-established network all over Qatar in order to ensure that all our deliveries reach our customers on time.
Our reputation, as we bring cheer, fun and laughter to countless families in Qatar precedes us.
For more information, suggestions or questions, please get in touch with me on theultimatefreggle@gmail.com
Stay tuned and S U B S C R I B E for many more adventures kitesurfing, paragliding, sailing and travelling around Qatar and abroad!
🔥 🎉 ! G I V E A W A Y ! 🎉 🔥
Also remember I have a continuous Give-Away running. Anyone commenting on my videos has a chance to win 50 QAR or 10 USD every month! Let's hear from you!
👇🏼 The drone I use for many of my videos 👇🏼
👇🏼 The camera I use 👇🏼
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Definitely Subscribe to my channel for more travel and adventure sports videos, both in Qatar and abroad. I really enjoy getting to know new people from around the world this way. You can expect Kitesurfing, Paragliding and Paramotoring, Drone videography and in the future hopefully even a live aboard sailboat featuring on the channel!
Check my facebook page to get some behind the scenes updates and find me on instagram for some eye candy. On my blog I write about my adventures too!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ultimatefreggle/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theultimatefreggle/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ultimatefreggle/
Blogger: http://ultimatefreggle.blogspot.com/
Soundtracks in my videos are taken from the Epidemic Sound library.
These are the tracks in this video:
Melancholy - Ooyy
You Know - MeFree
Did you like the music? Sign up for Epidemic Sound here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/o1yx9a/
For inquiries contact theultimatefreggle - a t - gmail.com
Wishing you lots of Ultimate Adventures - The Ultimate Freggle
Some of my videos contain affiliate links. These come at no extra cost to you, but really help to support my channel!
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