Kitesurfing Leucate La Franqui [...]
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Owner: Dutch Sailing Family

Kitesurfing Leucate La Franqui Lagoon with GoPro Max


Location: Gare de Leucate-La Franqui
Latitude: 42.93000000
Longitude: 3.01000000
Published: 6 Sep 2020

Kitesurfing in this kitesports mecca, Leucate La Franqui, filmed with the GoPro Max in 360'.
Last month we stayed at La Domaine Presqu'Ile De La Franqui with our friend Sjoerd, and had a blast kitesurfing, kitefoiling, swimming, birding, tanning and just generally relaxing and enjoying the superb surroundings.
We had awesome weeks there and it made a world of difference for us to recover here from many months of extended lockdown followed by summer heat back home.
This video is also the first that I filmed almost entirely on my new GoPro Max. I love the angles it can show and the possibilities the GoPro Max opens op. The video was edited by me into regular 16:9 format for easier viewing. I'm definitely going to use the GoPro Max for more actions sports soon!
I'm pretty sure it's going to be a game changer for all those videos that will come out in the future where I am working on my kitefoiling skills or kitesurfing in some cool locations!!

Check out my daughter Yosha's Youtube channel:

Definitely Subscribe to my channel for more travel and adventure sports videos, both in Qatar and abroad. I really enjoy getting to know new people from around the world this way. You can expect Kitesurfing, Paragliding and Paramotoring, Drone videography and in the future hopefully even a live aboard sailboat featuring on the channel!

Check my facebook page to get some behind the scenes updates and find me on instagram for some eye candy. On my blog I write about my adventures too!


Soundtracks in most of my videos are taken from the Epidemic Sound library.
Pineapple - Yomoti
City Breath Control - Halcyon Lounge
Ground Level Zero - Dex 1200
Lost In a Dream - Wellmess

Sign up for Epidemic Sound here:

For inquiries contact theultimatefreggle - a t -

Wishing you lots of ultimate adventures - The Ultimate Freggle

#leucatekitesurfing #leucatelafranqui #leucatelagoon #viglamofamily #ultimatefreggle

Some of my videos contain affiliate links. They link to products that I recommend, and come at no extra cost to you, but really help to support my channel!

