Paragliding Desert Dunes in Qa [...]
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Owner: Dutch Sailing Family

Paragliding Desert Dunes in Qatar with very High Tide and Pepsi


Location: Qatar
Latitude: 25.35000000
Longitude: 51.18000000
Published: 25 Jul 2020

Epic high tide day paragliding desert dunes in Qatar. Pepsi would be my perfect sponsor!
Paragliding the desert dunes of Qatar. Coastal paragliding at it's finest. Where desert meets the sea. A great opportunity to paraglide over water, when the tides are very high during the Qatari summer. I also call this video Pepsi Paragliding as I enjoy a drink of Pepsi while flying to refresh me. The temperature and humidity gets so high in the summer in Qatar, that you have to take off fast and then keep flying. If you don't you will quickly overheat and the only option is to jump back in the car with the AC on to recover. It definitely gives this desert paragliding a special edge!

Definitely Subscribe to my channel for more travel and adventure sports videos, both in Qatar and abroad. I really enjoy getting to know new people from around the world this way. You can expect Kitesurfing, Paragliding and Paramotoring, Drone videography and in the future hopefully even a live aboard sailboat featuring on the channel!

Check my facebook page to get some behind the scenes updates and find me on instagram for some eye candy. On my blog I write about my adventures too!


Soundtracks in this video are taken from the Epidemic Sound library.

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For inquiries contact theultimatefreggle - a t -

Wishing you lots of Ultimate Adventures - The Ultimate Freggle

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#paraglidingqatar #pepsiparagliding #desertparagliding #pepsi #ultimatefreggle

