CATAMARAN BUILD - We're Runni [...]
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Owner: MJ Sailing

CATAMARAN BUILD - We're Running Out of Supplies!! (MJ Sailing - Ep 199)


Location: Kent Island
Latitude: 38.94000000
Longitude: -76.33000000
Published: 15 Aug 2021

We're building our boat with vinyl ester resin - and they're OUT nationwide!!

This week's video is a smattering of a few different things, trying to catch up from when we were preparing the Pacemaker to launch (late June) to starting work on the floors of the catamaran (early July).

We also give away the Viking, which was a sad day, but we show you the transformation of when we first stepped foot on her last fall, to what she looks like when we hand her over.

Plus, we run into the issue that we can not get our hands on vinyl ester resin, so we need to find other projects to keep us busy, which do not involve it. Luckily, we can do the floors in a polyester resin instead. This will be a long process that *should* keep us busy for a few weeks, and Matt explains the technical side of how all floors will be water tight spaces.

(*Painting Pacemaker - filmed on June 14
*Matt leveling floors - filmed on June 22
*Pacemaker splash date - June 27
*Handover of Viking - July 02
*Arrival of 2nd container - July 13)

We hope you enjoy!!

Much love from Annapolis!
Jessica, Matt & Georgie

Link to our boat:

Thank you SO MUCH to our Patrons. These amazing supporters help keep us on the boat, our camera equipment up to date, and the videos coming. Without our patrons, these videos would not be possible.

To join the Patreon ranks, please visit


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Help contribute to the build by shopping our Amazon Wish List!
Delivery address:
Kentmorr Marina
910 Kentmorr Road
Stevensville, MD 21666

Thank you!,
Matt & Jessica
Our Online shop:

Video of English Moore:

Videos made by Jessica, featuring Matt and Georgie.

00:00 - Ryan Comes to Help
00:41 – Intro
01:12 – 2nd Barrier Coat goes on Pacemaker
04:06 – Our Smurf Blue Bottom Paint
05:22 – Lifting Heavy Bulkheads into Place
06:55 – Last of the Bottom Paint - Thanks Ryan!!
08:02 – Handing over Viking - Before & After
12:40 – We Can't Get Vinyl Ester Resin!!
15:36 – How We'll Bond our Water-tight Flooring
18:40 – Getting the Webs Level
22:58 - Why Didn't We Keep the Container?
25:30 – Closing
26:00 - Shut Up, Matt!!

Long Roads - John and the Land of Plenty
Who's Climbing In That Tree 3 - Jan Nordbring
Pandemonium (Tribute Version) - The Mondays

Camera equipment used:
- Panasonic Lumix GH5
- Shure VP83F shotgun microphone -
- GoPro Hero8 -

Previous Boats:
1983 Trisalu 37 - custom aluminum, built in Quebec (Elements of Life)
Where we've been: 2.5 year refit in Indiantown, Florida; Abacos, Bahamas; St. Barth's; St. Maarten; Antigua; Saba; Azores; Ireland; Scotland; Norway; England

1989 Sabre 34 Targa (Serendipity)
Where We Sailed Her: U.S. - Bahamas - Jamaica - Cuba - Cayman Islands - Honduras - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico - Bermuda - Azores - Madeira - Canary Islands - Sint Maarten - BVI's - USVI's

Editing software:
Adobe Premier Pro




