Why You Haven't Heard From Us [...]
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Owner: MJ Sailing

Why You Haven't Heard From Us the Past Month (MJ Sailing - Ep 352)


Location: Kent Island
Latitude: 38.94000000
Longitude: -76.33000000
Published: 1 Feb 2025

Temperatures dip well below freezing as we try to stay warm aboard our 31' liveaboard boat during our off hours, and we work hard to keep the catamaran at a minimum of 55 degrees so we can continue to work through the cold.

We wish we had a more interesting update to bring you this month, but truth be told, we've just been plugging away at our fairing, sanding, and priming as usual.

About a month ago the plan had been to paint different areas of the catamaran as they were ready, but based on some contamination kinda ruining the paint in our master head, we've decided to get ALL of the surfaces finished and then begin painting. This will give us an opportunity to get as much dust out of the boat as possible, so we don't have newly painted surfaces ruined again.

So in this week's video we give an extended walkthrough of our build at the moment, where each section is at, and what is left to be done. The good news is, with temperatures warming back up again it will be much easier for our fillers and primers to cure, so we'll be faster at this whole process in February than we were in January.

Hopefully by the end of this next month we'll be brining you more painted surfaces!

