Ep. 35 Stuck in the sand - Del [...]
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Owner: Sailing NOHMA

Ep. 35 Stuck in the sand - Delta de l'Èbre


Location: Ebro Delta
Latitude: 40.69000000
Longitude: 0.70000000
Published: 22 Nov 2020

We visited the magnificent Delta de L'Èbre and spent a few nights there with our camper on the beach. We saw the most beautiful sunsets and drove our camper all the way over the beach untill the end of the Delta. Unfortunately our camper got stuck on the beach. We tried to dig it our ourselves a few times, without success. Luckily we met some people who were equiped to go to Africa and were able to get us out of the sand. Out trips to the Delta are always unforgettable, it was not the first time we got into trouble there.
