Ep.21 Big Basin Redwood State [...]
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Owner: Sailing NOHMA

Ep.21 Big Basin Redwood State Park | Oceano Dunes | Tallest trees


Location: Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Latitude: 37.17000000
Longitude: -122.22000000
Published: 21 Mar 2020

In this episode we travel further south, to the Big Basin Redwood Tree State Park. It is astonishing how tall and big the trees are, absolutely incredible. We did our best to put this on film, but the trees overgrown us.
We had a wonderfull time in the forest. In summer it is a great place to cool down. The kids had a lot of fun playing around these giants. We are thankful to nature to show us these wonders.
We left the forest and drove to Oceano Dunes where we had a great afternoon driving the car into the sand. Sometimes it was a little exiting, we were lucky and did not get stuck in this huge place.
It was a fantastic day. One that we will always remember.

INTRO MUSIC by Campfire by Scandinavianz https://soundcloud.com/scandinavianz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_campfire
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/9Rfykh-YzCc
