Ep.25 EMERGENCY at Disney Worl [...]
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Owner: Sailing NOHMA

Ep.25 EMERGENCY at Disney World | Orlando


Location: Disney World
Latitude: 28.39000000
Longitude: -81.56000000
Published: 26 Apr 2020

We said goodbye to the beautiful New Orleans, an amazing city with a huge amount of positive vibes. The city where the streets breathe jazz and soul! It was truly wonderful.
We drove all the way to Orlando in Florida. You can't make a road trip through the USA with your kids and not visit Disney, right? The first day in Orlando we had some rest by the pool and in the evening we visited Disney springs. And the second day we visited Disney World's Magic Kingdom. The children had been looking forward to this moment for so long! Unfortunately, the Disney Magic didn't last long for us. While we were waiting in line to get in our second ride of the day, our son Liam fainted because of some sort of heatstroke and he had to be taken to the hospital. It was incredibly hot that day and we had been standing in line for almost an hour, sometimes in the direct sun.
The emergency medical staff took great care of him and they gave him all the necessary treatment.
Special thanks goes to the medical team of the Orlando Hospital! After a few hours in the hospital, he was fully recovered and we could take him to the hotel.

We had some scary moments that day, but everything ended well. And to make the best of the few hours left in this day we decided to take the kids to the movies to see ToyStory 4.

INTRO MUSIC by Campfire by Scandinavianz https://soundcloud.com/scandinavianz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_campfire
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/9Rfykh-YzCc

