Solo To America In A GALE | Fa [...]
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Owner: Sailing Sea Dream of Clyde

Solo To America In A GALE | Fast Sailing Across Juan de Fuca Strait and the San Juans - Ep. 42


Location: Victoria
Latitude: 48.43000000
Longitude: -123.37000000
Published: 17 Jun 2023

Winter is over it's time to get out sailing! In this one, I leave the dock for the first time in months to solo sail across Juan de Fuca Strait and into the San Juan Islands. Great sailing begins right out of the harbour, but the winds quickly increased to a marginal gale. With sails reefed and the sun shinning, I enjoy the ride across the rowdy strait and into the narrow channels leading to Bellingham. Squally weather keeps me raging along at a rapid pace throughout the day, and my hydrovane keeps me from getting to tired.

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