3. Baba 35 GGR refit progress, [...]
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Owner: Sailor Shinde

3. Baba 35 GGR refit progress, forward hatch, cockpit drains & removing old plumbing


Location: Port Credit Yacht Club
Latitude: 43.56000000
Longitude: -79.56000000
Published: 13 Feb 2022

Watch the progress of the refit for Good Hope in preparation for the Golden Globe Race.

My website: https://www.gauravshinde.com/
My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gauravshindesailing
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gssailing/

SUPPORT GAURAV BY DONATING HERE: https://www.windathletes.ca/athletes/gaurav-shinde-golden-globe-race-2022

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