How We Turn SALT Water Into FRESH Water on our Sailboat! #livingonaboat #offgrid #reverseosmosis
This is how we make fresh drinking water from the surrounding saltwater on our boat using our Rainman high output watermaker. This is the same model unit we had on Adrenaline and it continues to be a serving us incredibly well. It is rated to produce up to 37 gallons per hour but in the super warm tropical water we have been in we have been seeing closer to 40 gallons per hour! Rainman says it’s perfectly fine to see up to 10% more than the rated output without risk to the system. Having such a high output watermaker allows us to fill up the water tanks super quick and we are able to do all of this through our Mastervolt inverter off our batteries so we don’t even need to run a generator. The Rainman control panel is so simple and has such a clean look but they just came out with a completely automated panel that we really look forward to upgrading to in the future.