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Sailing Avocet

Welcome aboard! We are Chris and Marissa Neely, the crew of our 1979 Cheoy Lee 41, Avocet. We bought Avocet in 2018 as newly weds, fresh out of college with a small budget and a dream to explore what lies beyond the horizon. This channel shares the details of our renovations, redesigns, and refits while we simultaneously juggle our respective media businesses offscreen to keep this whole operation afloat. We are excited to announce as of 2022 we are casting off for our grand adventure! For recent info and details on our wherabouts, visit our website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This channel is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate Program. Help us earn a little money at no cost to you, just by clicking on one of our Amazon links before you check out. Thanks!

Website stats

Articles count: 13
Articles view count: 5659

YouTube stats

Video count: 67
Subscriber count: 20 K
View count: 906.67 K
Channel published at: 14 Aug 2018

Sailing Avocet on the map

13 articles by Sailing Avocet
