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Sailing Project Atticus

We're Jordan and Desiree! Our newest crew member is Captain Oso. We spent 6 years restoring and sailing on our 30 foot sailboat, "Atticus I". We made it as far as Panama, when we decided to upgrade to "Atticus II", our larger, more reliable family sailboat. We are now heading towards the Mediterranean to start our sailboat family! [ SUPPORT OUR VIDEOS - PATREON ] Hop over to our Patreon Page where our biggest fans help make these videos possible. [ MAKE A ONE TIME CONTRIBUTION ] [ FOLLOW US ] Facebook: Website: Instagram:

Website stats

Articles count: 48
Articles view count: 2666

YouTube stats

Video count: 400
Subscriber count: 255 K
View count: 54.42 M
Channel published at: 10 Jan 2014

Sailing Project Atticus on the map

48 articles by Sailing Project Atticus