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Sailing Zatara

As my husband and I entered our mid-40s, we realized we were completely exhausted with corporate America and the effect it was having on our marriage and our kids. Something had to change. So we gathered our four kids, sold our suburban Texas home, and, regardless of having no prior sailing experience, bought a sailboat. Our "2-year sabbatical" began in 2016, and as of today (May 2023), we've sailed over 50,000nm and have officially circumnavigated the globe! We still have three kids on board (the oldest left for college in 2020) but are continuing the sailing adventure until they head out on their own. It's not our goal in these videos to be politically correct or make every viewer happy; nor is it to flaunt our obviously gorgeous and toned figures (not). We want to share honestly what we are experiencing on this adventure and how we are evolving as a family. We simply hope you laugh, learn, and get inspired. All videos will be rated TV-14. Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew

Website stats

Articles count: 177
Articles view count: 31720

YouTube stats

Video count: 368
Subscriber count: 568 K
View count: 106.71 M
Channel published at: 14 Jun 2016

Sailing Zatara on the map

177 articles by Sailing Zatara