EP 28 | Mastering the Art of S [...]
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Owner: All About Spray

EP 28 | Mastering the Art of Stern Tying in the Heart of Desolation Sound (pt.1)


Location: Desolation Sound
Latitude: 50.00000000
Longitude: -124.88000000
Published: 12 Dec 2021

We enter into the heart of Desolation Sound: Prideaux Haven after a stop at Cortes Harbour and Refuge Cove. Our friends Sam, Amy & co on MV Pinner join us for a few days and we show them what cruising on the west coast of Canada is all about!

Music in this week's episode is featuring local artist, Ryan Harris.

Footloose is a 1981 Tartan 42'
Kayleen: @fromsnowtosail
Tyler: @tyturner14
