Catamaran Haul Out Maintenance [...]
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Owner: Dutch Sailing Family

Catamaran Haul Out Maintenance - How Much it all Costs!


Location: Alanya
Latitude: 36.54000000
Longitude: 32.00000000
Published: 14 Apr 2023

How much does it cost to Haul Out a Sailing Catamaran for Maintenance? In this video we reveal the cost. When we prepared for sailing around the world, the budgeting was a big thing. How much does it cost to maintain a Lagoon 420 Catamaran of 2008?
And.. a few mistakes cost us $$$.. Watch the video to avoid making the same mistakes!

We also post detailed articles of our monthly expenses on our Patreon page. You can find it here:

Our Patreon Page:

Enjoy episode 32 of the Dutch Sailing Family!

We are on a huge adventure to explore the planet with our sailboat, a Lagoon 420 Sailing Catamaran. One of our first videos was a full boat tour when we considered buying it, have a look if you'd like to know and see all:

I must admit, some of our inspiration comes from Sailing La Vagabonde, Sailing Nandji, Sailing Zatara and World Towning.. although we've been talking about sailing around the world for about 3 years now.. it suddenly is coming a lot closer, and fast!!

If you are interested in sailing catamarans, or the cruising lifestyle, we love to talk about it, so leave us a comment, or connect using one of our other social media profiles, we are on Facebook, Instagram and on Patreon for the biggest fans! Find the links below.

For information, suggestions or questions, please get in touch with me on

πŸ”₯ Do you want to get to know us better and support us? πŸ”₯
For the most dedicated fans I created my Patreon Page. You can chat with me directly in a dedicated members only chat. And a monthly live video update.. You'll be the first to know every little detail!

Stay tuned and S U B S C R I B E for many more adventures kitesurfing, paragliding, sailing and travelling around Qatar and abroad!

πŸ‘‡πŸΌ The drone I use for many of my videos πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

πŸ‘‡πŸΌ The camera I use πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

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Definitely Subscribe to my channel for more travel and adventure sports videos, both in Qatar and abroad. I really enjoy getting to know new people from around the world this way. You can expect Kitesurfing, Paragliding and Paramotoring, Drone videography and in the future hopefully even a live aboard sailboat featuring on the channel!

Check my facebook page to get some behind the scenes updates and find me on instagram for some eye candy. On my blog I write about my adventures too!


Soundtracks in my videos are taken from the Epidemic Sound library.
The soundtracks in this video are:
I'm Over You (Skyldeberg Remix) - Mondays
Swirly Bird - Arc De Soleil
Feel the Pressure - Daxten

Sign up for Epidemic Sound here:

For inquiries contact theultimatefreggle - a t -

Wishing you Happy Sailing - Dutch Sailing Family

Some of my videos contain affiliate links. These come at no extra cost to you, but really help to support my channel!

In this video:
0:00 Intro
0:28 Sailing to the Travellift
1:40 Lifting the Catamaran
2:20 Pressure Washing
3:08 Installing on the Hard
3:43 Our Mistake
4:57 Various Repairs
5:17 Through Hulls
5:50 Stuck Waste Tank Valve
6:40 Checking the Rudder Play
6:50 Saildrive Maintenance (SD50)
7:35 Antifouling
7:50 New Boot Stripes
9:18 Apartment Rental
9:25 Splashing the catamaran back in the water
9:40 Another Mistake
10:47 Back in the Water
11:05 The Sailing Dream

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