100 Knot Storm!!! Prepare to b [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

100 Knot Storm!!! Prepare to be blown away! | The worst storm in 20 years! #46


Location: Montenegro
Latitude: 42.71000000
Longitude: 19.37000000
Published: 19 May 2023

Wintering on our sailboat in Montenegro, safely tucked away in a marina amongst fellow sailors, we thought we were safe from whatever Mother Nature could throw at us and then the worst storm in 20 years hit along with winds of 100 knots damaging boats and causing chaos around us.

Montenegro is a country where the weather can change the landscape and climate overnight or in a few hours - where there are dry caves there can be raging rivers and within a few hours drive you can go from warm sunshine to deep snow - come with us and see some more of this spectacular country, enjoy some snowy silliness and experience the power of Mother Nature in an extreme Bura wind topping 100kts!!

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