Sailing slowly BACKWARDS up th [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Sailing slowly BACKWARDS up the Mediterranean | Fishing in the Med - finally catching a whopper! #28


Location: Adriatic Sea
Latitude: 41.86000000
Longitude: 17.29000000
Published: 16 Sep 2022

Join us in this episode as we find ourselves sailing backwards up the Adriatic Sea and catch a whopper of a tuna!! We leave Montenegro rested after our long passage and determined to sail all the way to Corfu, Greece relieved that we are finally able to just enjoy the sailing, no matter how long the passage takes. We have beautifully flat seas and light winds enabling us to enjoy life on board and sailing in the stunning blue Mediterranean Sea. We see a shoal of fish swimming alongside the boat and, using our homemade lure, we finally catch our first big fish - a tuna! The winds drop and so does our speed to the point that whilst the boat is still pointing towards Greece we are actually moving backwards at 0.5kts - we are sailing backwards!! As we pass Albania approaching Corfu the winds pick up to 30kts from behind and the sailing gets a bit more exciting! We arrive after dark and anchor beneath the castle at Corfu town excited to see how it looks in the morning!

#sailing #sailingadventures #sailinglife #liveaboard #mediterranean #sailboat #travelvlog #sailingvlog #livingonaboat #sailaway #sailingadventures #traveltheworld

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