Syracuse, Sicily; is it closed [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Syracuse, Sicily; is it closed to us? Discovering canals and ancient history #51


Location: Free municipal consortium of Syracuse
Latitude: 37.08000000
Longitude: 15.29000000
Published: 18 Aug 2023

After a fantastic sail to Sicily we explore the ancient city of Syracuse. We check out some Greek and Roman ruins, we dinghy through the gap between an island on the bottom of an island at the bottom of Italy, we get refused entry to a castle because it’s closed for someone more important than us, and we eat yummy food. Then it’s time to set sail again and head up the Messina Straits accompanied by pod of dolphins to moor up underneath an active volcano!

#sailing #liveaboardsailboat #sailaroundtheworld #sicilia #syracuse #sailinglife #travellingworld #medsailing #livingonaboat #boatlife #sicily

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