Should we be setting sail with [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Should we be setting sail with a broken toe?| Leaving beautiful Bonifacio! #58


Location: Bonifacio
Latitude: 41.39000000
Longitude: 9.16000000
Published: 24 Nov 2023

After 3 fantastic days in Bonifacio on Corsica we were ready to set sail for Marseille. Unfortunately having suffered a fall into the cockpit and fracturing her toe Kate wasn’t totally fit to go but we had a lift out booked in the south of France and, for once, it looked like we might have a good weather forecast so, after taking medical advice, we manoeuvred out of the marina to set off on a 220nm passage, bound for Marseille….sailing along the coast of Corsica we quickly found ourselves in a race…..

…well when two boats are in the same bit of water it’s a race, isn’t it? 😅

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