Night Sail around the infamous [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Night Sail around the infamous Portland Bill | Adjusting to our new life living on a sailboat #2


Location: Dartmouth
Latitude: 50.35000000
Longitude: -3.58000000
Published: 5 Jul 2021

We set sail at night to round the infamous Portland Bill and cross Lyme Bay bound for Dartmouth to have a few weeks holiday after all the boat work and preparations to leave and adjust to our new life as full time cruisers.

We waste no time exploring the stunning town and area and hike some beautiful routes. We go shopping using our new car aka our dinghy, gather wild garlic to make pesto, watch the unique ferries that cross the river whilst sampling local cider at a shoreside pub and continue the hunt for “the stone” and “the pasty”.

Kate also tries to finally learn how to skim stones!

#sailinglife #liveaboard #sailingadventures #newlife #britain

