Snorkelling the aquarium under [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Snorkelling the aquarium under our boat : Ionian Sailing #31


Location: Ionian Sea
Latitude: 37.79000000
Longitude: 18.81000000
Published: 21 Oct 2022

Join us snorkelling amongst loads of fish and an octopus under our sailboat in beautiful Greece!

After a visit to the pretty town of Parga and a stop to revisit the town hall at Gaios where we got married we say goodbye to Lakka and head south to begin a new chapter in our sailing adventure but not before one last trip down memory lane visiting stunning Two Rock Bay for some snorkelling and swimming - with an octopus! Sailing in Greece!

#sailing #liveaboard #mediterranean #sailingadventures #sailingvlog #tworockbay #parga #octopus #ionianislands #livingonaboat #najad #greece #greekislands

If you want to check out Ian and Natalie on SV Blown Away:

Follow our boat on NOFOREIGNLAND:

