DISMASTED - Free Range Sailing [...]
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Owner: Free Range Living

DISMASTED - Free Range Sailing Ep 154


Location: Tasmania
Latitude: -41.45000000
Longitude: 145.97000000
Published: 5 Nov 2020

The mast was in need of some serious attention and our rigging was at least 10 years old. This week we engage the help of Peter Greig to fit out all new Dyneema rigging for Mirrool.

If you'd like to read the brief Q & A with Peter Greig and Wichard Pacific the link is here: https://www.wichard.com.au/dyneema-rigging-qa-peter-greig/


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Pascale has put together a FREE 40 page Provisioning Guide. The Guide explains and provides examples of how we can travel eating a variety of healthy and delicious meals for up to 6 months at a time on our tiny boat with no resupply. There has never been a better time to start learning how to increase the food storage potential of your home. I hope this guide will inspire you to make more informed long term provisioning choices for the future! For more information visit the Provisioning Page on our website ( www.freerangesailing.com/boat-provisioning ) or to grab a copy directly by clicking on the link below.

LINK HERE: Download your FREE Provisioning Guide: https://bit.ly/3adbloF

Also if you want to find out more about what I am cooking up every week for us aboard Mirrool you should follow my foodie Instagram page! www.instagram.com/gourmetsailor

Time Stamps
00:00 Intro
00:58 Docking without cleats
01:43 Spring lines when docking
02:26 Introducing Peter Greig and removing our rig
02:45 The chain plates on our Clansman 30
03:09 Mast coming off
04:05 Coming away from the dock
04:46 Ingenious furler transport
05:23 Removing radar reflector
07:22 Making template for new inner fore-stay chain plate
09:55 Introducing our newly spliced rigging
12:43 Dyneema splicing with Peter Greig
14:32 Our Dyneema rigging features
18:13 Mast work continues
19:17 Pascale talks T-ball fittings
20:04 What's left to be done on the mast
21:15 Wrap up

All music sourced from Epidemic Sound (www.epidemicsound.com)

On the request of one of our patrons we put together a playlist of some of our music on Spotify. Follow along and listen here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Qegq91f000leXa5LwdNtr

