What's wrong with this picture [...]
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Owner: Free Range Living

What's wrong with this picture? - Free Range Sailing Ep 109


Location: Fraser Island
Latitude: -25.24000000
Longitude: 153.13000000
Published: 28 Nov 2019

This week we get some cranking speeds in light winds behind Fraser Island while discussing something we'd overlooked over the last couple of months flying our cruising spinnaker! Had you picked up on it?

Once at Kingfisher Bay, we go on a whale watching tour with our friend Josh who runs Hervey Bay Whale Watch (https://www.herveybaywhalewatch.com.au/) before sailing down the Sandy Straits to discover shipwrecks and ruins.

Make sure you grab your very own Free Range Sailing T Shirt or Hoodie before our campaign ends on 4 December 2019. Click here for more information: http://www.bonfire.com/free-range-sailing-1

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Music Credits
Olivia - Hyson (https://soundcloud.com/iamhyson)
Caught in Amsterdam - Arc De Soleil (www.epidemicsound.com)
Trying to Escape - Arc De Soleil (www.epidemicsound.com)
Archipelago - Tatono (https://soundcloud.com/tatono)

