Sailing from the Caribbean wil [...]
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Owner: Laura Dekker World Sailing Foundation

Sailing from the Caribbean wilderness back to the open seas - Part 4/5 Atlantic 2020/2021 - EP39


Location: Caribbean Sea
Latitude: 14.54000000
Longitude: -74.97000000
Published: 10 Sep 2021

Laura Dekker World Sailing Foundation, Atlantic Roundtrip 2020/2021: Part 4
We're going back to Martinique and stay long enough this time to really get to know this beautiful island full of high mountains, waterfalls and picturesque bays. But our time in the Caribbean is nearing its end and we're preparing to set off on our long journey home - back across the Atlantic Ocean.
Sailing with youth in the ages between 12 & 16 onboard a #scorpio72 named Guppy :)

Check out our youth sailing voyage options in the link below:

The Laura Dekker World Sailing Foundation has been established to provide programs for children and teenagers to develop life skills like team work, self confidence, responsibility, creativity, and leadership.

Want to know more about #LauraDekker or the foundation?

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Hooky with Sloane - Bird Creek
Six Season - Unicorn Heads
Chocolate Cookie Jam - An Jone
Crimons Fly - Huma Huma
Communicator - Reed Mathis
Hooky With Sloane - Bird Creek

Photo & Video Credit: Laura Dekker, Sander Vogelenzang, Drone shots by Florian Lakeman

