Winterizing Our Unfinished Boa [...]
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Owner: MJ Sailing

Winterizing Our Unfinished Boat (MJ Sailing - Ep 311)


Location: Kent Island
Latitude: 38.94000000
Longitude: -76.33000000
Published: 25 Nov 2023

As temperatures creep closer to freezing, we need to find ways to work through the cold.

Now that the days are colder, and as soon as the sun goes down after 4:30, we're finding it harder and harder to get our daily work done. Not only is it uncomfortable to work in the dropping temperatures, but our products need a minimum working temperature to be able to cure. So, it's time to prepare the boat for winter.

Taking a drive into town, I visit The Home Depot for sheets of insulation. They won't fit into our vehicle as is, so in the store I need to measure and cut them down to size.

Back at the boat it's time to get them into place. To of the large sheets automatically go towards closing the companionway, and the rest will cover our many windows. The forward peaks are getting completely shut off, so those need specific measurements and some use from our angle finder. The windows on the side of the cabin top are an easy trace and cut.

Once we have the bridge deck enclosed, it's time to pump in the heat! Although we have a few electric space heaters which we plug in for the smaller areas, when we want to get some good heat pumping in right away, we use our diesel heater with a hose going in the hatch of our guest head.

Lastly, we store the components we're using right away inside of a cooler with a heating pad on the bottom. This makes sure they store at a constant temperature of 70, even when we turn the heaters for the boat off overnight.

We hope you enjoy!

Link to the nursery heating pad:

Link to interior lights:

Link to Amazon Wish List:
