What is Life REALLY like for a [...]
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Owner: Mothership Adrift Travel and Sailing

What is Life REALLY like for a Liveaboard Family on a Sailboat in the Caribbean? Ep109


Location: Martinique
Latitude: 14.64000000
Longitude: -61.02000000
Published: 14 Nov 2021

#liveaboard life #sinking boats #sailing #volcanic ash #sailing family #living on a boat #washing on a boat #living the dream #sailing around the world #cruising #sailboat #Travel #adventure #sail #monohull #Boat life #sailing vlog

What makes us live on a sailboat? I guess it is the original dream that makes it happen.
And so what actually happens when you live on a boat as a family? Pretty much the same as any other family....schooling, washing, cleaning, fixing ...but thats not all....
....if there happens to be a volcanic eruption, our boat gets covered in ash and sometimes we worry about other boats dragging anchor and ending up on our boat. Sadly some boat owners have not managed to keep up with the boat maintenance but life carries on and boats still float...sort of.
How about friends and family, do you miss them? We join the cruising communities as we travel around the world and fellow sailors help each other out wherever we are . This is one of the bet things about liveaboard life....the community!

Music in this video deserves a Thanks to :
" http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-..."

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