4 Reasons Why I love Japan! #t [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

4 Reasons Why I love Japan! #travel #japan #sailing #cycling


Location: Yonabaru Marina
Latitude: 26.21000000
Longitude: 127.77000000
Published: 2 Feb 2024

There are 6852 Islands in Japan, and I have been on a three-year sailing expedition around Japan exploring them. Setting out from Tokyo, I originally aimed for Okinawa as a stress test to see if my boat and I were ready to cross the Pacific solo. We failed! The stress test revealed that my boat and I weren't ready for a solo Pacific crossing. Instead, we've been leisurely exploring Japan's coastal wonders, discovering 70 ports along the way.

In my latest video, I delve into why I cherish cruising Japan and unveil essential insights for aspiring sailors. Beyond the conventional riches of Japan's Culture, History, and Food, here are four unique aspects that make this maritime adventure truly exceptional:

1. No Locks, Just Trust: My boat has never been locked in my five years of living aboard and three years of full-time cruising. This remarkable practice is uniquely Japanese – a story involving bicycles and ice cream awaits!

2. Spectacular Coastlines: Having traversed Japan by bicycle, witnessing its coastline from the sea is an awe-inspiring experience. With a diverse and breathtaking landscape, Japan boasts nearly 7000 islands, each with its own charm.

3. Affordable Moorages: Explore Japan's waters without breaking the bank. Discover various moorage options, from fishing harbors with protective walls to distinctive black and yellow striped areas, `fisherinas`, marinas, and those registered as UMI NO EKI (Sea Stations).

4. Embracing the Japanese Coastguard: Share my admiration for the Japanese Coastguard as I recount being inspected ten times and towed once. While some sailors may find their scrutiny intrusive, I've come to appreciate every interaction, even the seemingly aggressive ones. Join me as I recount one of these memorable stories.

And at the end, I share 4 tips for those who want to cruise Japan. Join the adventure by watching the full video now! Thanks to @SailingRamona for the drone footage


These videos are made possible by my Patrons: Steve Houck, Johny Gwin, Kats Honda, Michael Borgmann, J29BlackJack, Sumie and William Zies, David LaHeist, Claude Strobbe, Bruce McCaughan, Jeffrey Behr,

Thanks to all those making this voyage possible:
Keel Club Founding Members: Harry A. Hill / BetterU / Tokyo Supercars
And all my sponsors:
Premium Sponsors: UFC GYM Japan and GRHH
Tier One: Westlund Group, mackfilm LTD, Tokyo Super Cars, Foodsaver, SignTime & VERSA
Tier Two: Dormeo, Merlin Solar. Upternes
Tier 3: GDI Communications, Rob Claar, The Aussies
Tier 4: Mike Alfant, Jim Weisser, Doug Hymas, Ted Carlson, Steve Houck
and partial Sponsorship Satcom Global (Iridium 9575) and DICS (Liferaft)
