Typhoon Season in Japan #trav [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

Typhoon Season in Japan #travel #sailing #flightsimulator


Location: Amami Ōshima
Latitude: 28.27000000
Longitude: 129.36000000
Published: 11 Aug 2023

Over the past few days, Amami Island has been hit hard by yet another relentless typhoon—remarkably similar to the one that struck a year ago. I vividly remember being there as my boat endured the storm, repeatedly passing through the eye of the typhoon. I took every precaution, securing my boat to a mooring buoy in the center of the bay, and then all I could do was watch and wait as the storm raged on. To keep a close eye on the conditions, I even used a flight simulator with real-time weather to virtually fly into the storm and check what was happening from above.

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