Abandoned beach bar, a waterfa [...]
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Owner: Sailing Catalpa

Abandoned beach bar, a waterfall and Losing something overboard | Episode 190 (Sailing Catalpa)


Location: Langkawi
Latitude: 6.35000000
Longitude: 99.80000000
Published: 1 Jun 2020

Hey guys this episode we are back on anchor and exploring new places. We celebrate mothers day at a waterfall and we lose something overboard 🙄😬

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Song list
Never wanna grow up By Katrina Stone
1.49 Oceans roar By Thea Tyler feat Dinah Smith
3.48 Barefoot By Slowfly
6.30 Chalkboard games By View points
8.45 Willet By Dust follows
9.35 Masterplan gone wrong By The fly guy five
13.50 Bewildered by Alysha Sheldon

