E18 What the Heck Happened to [...]
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Owner: Sailing Dark Angel

E18 What the Heck Happened to the Spinnaker. Bahamas Express


Location: Fort Lauderdale
Latitude: 26.12000000
Longitude: -80.14000000
Published: 30 May 2021

Why did the spinnaker suddenly go swimming?
A beautiful downwind sail ends with the spinnaker in the water.
What? Why?
In Fort Lauderdale Mark buys a new line and heads up the mast to find the problem.

Our opening and closing song is Who We Are by Miah
Check out his band NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN! They are awesome http://nineteeneightyseven.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/6WaNVPlzMwFn7WCVT3gVcJ

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