SDA6 Opening Pandora's Boat
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Owner: Sailing Dark Angel

SDA6 Opening Pandora's Boat


Location: Florida
Latitude: 27.66000000
Longitude: -81.52000000
Published: 26 Sep 2021

Cleaning, repairing and testing engines, a/c, davits and more?
A new purchase leads to new discoveries of new projects and unimagined solutions. That's a dramatic way of saying we've got a lot of work to do to get Dark Angel ready for cruising season!
Advice and help are ALWAYS welcome.

JOIN US at the Annapolis Boat Show in October!
Come to the United States Sailboat Show, on from Oct 14 - 18, 2021
Use our discount code, sailingdarkangel2021,valid for a $5.00 discount off of the regular adult ticket

We will be digging into more details in the next few videos. Don't forget to like and subscribe to see what's next!
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Our opening and closing song is Who We Are by Miah
Check out his band NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN! They are awesome

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© Sailing Dark Angel 2021

