Engine Update, Dismantling & R [...]
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Owner: Sailing MV Lady Liselot

Engine Update, Dismantling & Restarting Lady Liselot’s Engine; S3/E20


Location: Ooltgensplaat
Latitude: 51.68000000
Longitude: 4.35000000
Published: 15 Oct 2023

All the info in the description; WHOOP WHOOP!!! I am so happy that I can share this news with you!. Com' on let's go!

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Wanna see the whole story what happend to Lady Liselot 12Nm offshore?
Go watch https://vimeo.com/ondemand/mvladyliselot en support me via this pay-per-view video.

All aboard the Lady Liselot for an engine rescue mission like no other in "Engine Update, pPt2 - Dismantling & Restarting Lady Liselot’s Engine; S3/E20". Join Henk-Jan as he maneuvers through the challenges of a broken engine, facing the elements and an unexpected journey across the harbor. Watch as he dismantles furniture, removes ceilings, and finally lifts the starboard engine out of the boat, all in a day's work!

Experience the adrenaline rush of sailing through rough waters without any engines, and the thrill when the port engine roars back to life. Learn from Henk-Jan's expertise as he meticulously attaches all parts, checks pressures, and finally manages to start the engine again. It's a testament to his skill and determination, a true triumph over disaster!

But the adventure doesn't end there. In the next episode, unravel the mystery behind Lady Liselot's unusual healing in the harbor. What could be causing such a stir? Stay tuned to find out!

Engage with Henk-Jan's journey by subscribing to our channel, and show your support using the Super Thanks button. Connect with us on our social media for daily updates and insights into the sailing life. So, are you ready to embark on this thrilling journey?

00:00 - Introduction
02:19 - Lady Liselot Update
05:32 - Engine Issues & Solutions
07:24 - Engine Lifting Process
08:12 - Engine Parts & Maintenance
11:54 - Engine Startup & Reaction
13:14 - Closing & Next Video Teaser


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Omdat ik video's kijk van Fransen, Denen, Noren, Spanjaarden, Portugezen, Duitsers én heel veel Engelstaligen die allemaal Engels lullen en ook bootjesmensen / liveaboards zijn. Want alleen dan kan je je ervaring wereldwijd delen. En wat blijkt? Mijn video's worden in 127 landen bekeken (zie S03/E01 voor de lijst). Veel van mijn kijkers en abonnees zijn Engelstaligen die mijn video's helemaal top vinden, omdat ze óf familie hebben uit Nederland, of hier jaren geleden zijn geboren en door omstandigheden nu elders op de wereld wonen. En, dat ik dan Engels spreek met een accentje (net als de Fransen, Denen, Noren, Spanjaarden, Portugezen, Duitsers overigens) dan interesseert hen dat geen reet.

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