"You must leave" ; S4/E05
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Owner: Sailing MV Lady Liselot

"You must leave" ; S4/E05


Location: Jachthaven Terneuzen B.v.
Latitude: 51.34000000
Longitude: 3.83000000
Published: 27 Jan 2024

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2. Buy me a coffee using the [Super Thanks] button
3. Help me build a fund to pay the loan I took to get my engines rebuild. Please donate via https://www.gofundme.com/f/mvladyliselot

On the 29th of December 2022 I visit Terneuzen and when I did my preps, I saw on Google streetview a lot of free quay... I never would have thought, the many barges that would change the reality vs the satellite image...

Join Henk-Jan aboard the adventurous Lady Liselot as we embark on a surprising journey to Seaport Blankenberge. Witness as Henk-Jan, with his seasoned skill, tactically maneuvers through challenging waters, showcasing his adept communication and strategic plotting against nature’s whims. Denied docking at our anticipated destination unfolds an unforeseen adventure, filled with lessons and the raw beauty of maritime life.

This voyage isn’t just about reaching a location; it’s a testament to the spirit of sailing and the unpredictable turns it entails. As you perhaps know by now, every moment aboard Lady Liselot is a thrilling experience, and if you are new to the channel: spread the word and share as much as possible. Henk-Jan's expertise shines as he guides us through turbulent waters and tight situations, offering viewers a unique insight into the life of a seasoned sailor.


Thanks for coming along! Please leave any questions or comments below.
The Christmas Saga repeats itself: THERE IS NO ROOM; S4/E05

This channel follows a format: "Join Henk-Jan, whilst he cruises with Lady Liselot".
That's it. This automatically means: no boat tour and no boat jobs. These subjects do not fit the format. So, I aim to give you a feel for what life's like aboard for me and hope you enjoy it, perhaps relate to it or maybe even learn something. But it's simply my story and the way I do things. Nothing more, nothing less.

Do not forget to:
╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ as a proof that you read this section. ;-)

Waarom ik alles in het Engels doe?
Omdat ik video's kijk van Fransen, Denen, Noren, Spanjaarden, Portugezen, Duitsers én heel veel Engelstaligen die allemaal Engels lullen en ook bootjesmensen / liveaboards zijn. Want alleen dan kan je je ervaring wereldwijd delen. En wat blijkt? Mijn video's worden in 127 landen bekeken (zie S03/E01 voor de lijst). Veel van mijn kijkers en abonnees zijn Engelstaligen die mijn video's helemaal top vinden, omdat ze óf familie hebben uit Nederland, of hier jaren geleden zijn geboren en door omstandigheden nu elders op de wereld wonen. En, dat ik dan Engels spreek met een accentje (net als de Fransen, Denen, Noren, Spanjaarden, Portugezen, Duitsers overigens) dan interesseert hen dat geen reet.

Weet je dat Nederlandse ondertiteling aan kan zetten? Doorgaans zo'n 4 uur nadat de video is gepubliceerd. Klik op de video, en kies uit de iconen die rechtsonder verschijnen dan voor [ondertiteling] en kies daar voor Nederlands. Dan wordt zelfs mijn steenkolen Engels (knap he van die jongens en meisjes YouTube) vertaald naar Nederlandsch.
