7 Days Before Surprise BRAIN T [...]
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Owner: Sailing Pivo

7 Days Before Surprise BRAIN TUMOR Diagnosis


Location: Hot Water Beach
Latitude: -36.88000000
Longitude: 175.82000000
Published: 18 Aug 2021

Surprise BRAIN TUMOR Diagnosis while Fulltime Sailing | Brain Tumour | Part 2 by Sailing Pivo

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Cover Topics :-

1. Brain tumor symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
2. Brain Tumor Vlog | Vlogger | Blog | Podcast
3. Brain tumor mayo clinic
4. Brain Surgery
5. Early symptoms initial diagnosis
6. Brain infection | deadly infection
7. What is a brain tumor?
8. New Zealand health care system
9. New Zealand Covid | Covid19 | Coronavirus lockdown
10. Emergencies On Board
11. No more sailing
12. Sailing Pivo

This episode takes place at Hot Water Beach, and was just before we found out Conor was diagnosed with a massive brain tumour. We ended up needing to call emergency services (111) and they flew us in the Westpac helicopter to Thames Hospital. Unfortunately though, they had no operating diagnostic equipment there, and we were just sent home with a bunch of pain meds. It was absolutely terrifying having to leave the crew on the sailboat overnight, and I am so glad they ended up being safe.

Interested in keeping the dream alive? Consider supporting us on Patreon: patreon.com/sailingpivo

This episode goes out to our former crew, George & Lukas. They were LEGENDS. I am sorry we did not have more time together, and I hope our paths cross again. ❤❤❤

Come join my wife, dog, and I as we learn to sail and have new sailor experiences on our New Zealand made Whiting 40. We are a brand new sailing couple, and have fallen in love with the sport. Many sailing lessons have been learned so far as we learn how to become sailors. Our first mate, Pivo, keeps us out of trouble and is also learning along the way.

We are starting our voyage in New Zealand where we have been living for the last 5 years. But we are going zero to cruising because we're from the mountains of Colorado and have zero experience! Our first sail was with the sailing school, Great Escape, up in Opua, New Zealand (home the 2021 America's Cup). We hope our lessons from a beginner sailor will help you also as we set out on a multi-year sailing adventure around the world.

We are a fulltime sailing / cruising family. We love the sailing lifestyle so much! We love traveling, meeting new people, and seeing the world. We hope you come along for the adventure!
Thank you so much for having a watch! Please like this video and subscribe to our channel!

To our friends in Ukraine, Присоединяйтесь к нам в нашем морском приключении! #парусник

Fair winds & calm seas,
Danielle, Conor, & Pivo
SV Satori


(Another awesome way to support the project at no additional cost to you!)
Pivo's Outward hound lifejacket: https://amzn.to/2KMBDY0
Pivo's Sunglasses: https://amzn.to/3v0z2fB
Book: "Doggy on Deck" : https://amzn.to/3e8GGyq
Book: "The First-Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats": https://amzn.to/3q89cCA
Danielle's Gaiam folding yoga mat: https://amzn.to/384kXUk
Canon EOS 90D: https://amzn.to/3ccYkAa
GoPro HERO8 Black: https://amzn.to/3iOuwe4

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Hashtags :-
#braintumor #braintumorsurvivor #braintumorawareness #braintumorssuck #braintumorcenter #braintumorindonesia #braintumors #braintumorawarenessmonth #braintumorawarness #braintumorfoundation #braintumorresearch #diagnosis #diagnosisderailed #diagnosisv #diagnosis2 #diagnosissailingpivo #brain #sailing #cancer #braincancer #sailingpivo

