How To Sail On & Off ANCHOR wi [...]
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Owner: Sailing Sea Dream of Clyde

How To Sail On & Off ANCHOR with NO ENGINE And Why It Is IMPORTANT! Ep. 68


Location: La Paz
Latitude: 24.14000000
Longitude: -110.31000000
Published: 10 Apr 2024

Here is a quick video talking about why it is important to know how to SAIL ON and OFF the ANCHOR without using your ENGINE, and how to do it!

We think having the ability and confidence to sail on and off the anchor is a critical skill that every sailor have. For the first few times, it should be practiced in ideal conditions in a large anchorage with no other boats around when the wind is blowing OFF the land and one does not have a lee shore. Same goes for sailing off of the anchor. This is an especially important skill to have when sailing in remote places where help may not even exist!

So go ahead and leave ignition alone and enjoy the fun and freedom that sailing without an engine can offer!

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