Mexican NAVY With GUNS Out! - [...]
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Owner: Sailing Sea Dream of Clyde

Mexican NAVY With GUNS Out! - Ep. 72


Location: Baja California Sur
Latitude: 26.04000000
Longitude: -111.67000000
Published: 3 May 2024

Whew! Lots going on in the video! This one starts out in Bahía Asunción on the Baja West Coast. We a strong easterly coming, we shift to our anchorage location to lessen the fetch. While heading to shore, we learn a hard lesson on timing surf landing in a dinghy, which results in a dead dinghy engine.

After a robust but short sail to San Hipólito, we enjoy a relaxing day at anchor there. Next, we sail to Punta Abreojos. On route, we catch our first mahi-mahi (dorado), then enjoy an incredible dolphin show. Not long after, we are stopped by the Mexican Navy!

We sailing onto anchor at dusk in Punta Abreojos, then enjoy a few days there where Kat gets some very exciting news! We also come across some silly cats!

Thanks so much for tuning in!

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