EP. 58 We #CaughtonCamera the [...]
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Owner: Sailing SV Cordelia

EP. 58 We #CaughtonCamera the #THEIFwhoSTOLE our #GoPRO | SV Cordelia


Location: Ionian Islands
Latitude: 0.00000000
Longitude: 0.00000000
Published: 24 Sep 2021

We use all sorts of equipment to create these videos cameras, phones & GoPro. Imagine our horror when we saw a thief running off with our GoPro - #THIEF stole our @GOPRO, but it was caught on camera.
#CaughtonCamera, the #THEIFwhoSTOLE our #GoPRO.
We also continue cruising around the amazing anchorages of Greece in the Ionian Islands. We love sharing this with you because they are so beautiful.
Hope you enjoy, don't forget to comment once you've watched and give us a 'thumbs-up' x

You can support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/sailingsvcordelia

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Subscribe to us on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/SailingSVCordelia

Our Instagram is https://www.instagram.com/sailing_sv_cordelia

You can also read our blog on https://sailingsvcordelia.blogspot.com

All of the above accounts can be found on https://linktr.ee/scvcordelia

Music: Intro music is Fly Free by Hartley, all other music from https://www.epidemicsound.com

If you want to help support our videos, we thank you very much. A one-off payment can be made via PayPal to asmoran@hotmail.co.uk

Our equipment consists of GoPro 4 & 8, Cannon Video Camera 80SD and a Galaxy Note 10

We use Filmora9 to edit our films. -----------------------------------------------------------
We are Steve and Annette. We have been together since we were 15years old and believe me that was many years ago. We have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.

We are now a young middle-age couple who want sail the world as far as we can for as long as we can.

Steve used to be a Marina Hoist Operator in charge of yacht lifting operations. He dealt with super yachts, the likes of the J Class yacht's and Oyster Super Yachts, a multitude of other large sailing vessels up to 200tonne as well as the smaller yachts like Cordelia.

Annette was an Operations Manager & Bookkeeper at a marketing company LCM https://www.lcm.co.uk and continues to work part-time.

We had been planning our cruising life for over 10years and finally at the age of 55 decided that the time was right for us to let the lines go and start living our dream.

We love to see new places and enjoy the different cultures of each country.

Our long-term plan is to just enjoy it whilst we can, see as many places as we can and share this dream with those of you who are interested in watching and joining us.

#livingthedream #svcordelia #sailingsvcordelia #steveandannette #liveaboardlifestyle #middlesagelifestyle #sailingcouple #gustheboatdog #gus #puppydog #lifeaboard #wefoundparadise #ionianislands #boatpuppy #athiefstoleourgopro #sailingdreams
