Elizabeth's 1st VLOG! [πŸŽ₯80πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί]
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Owner: The Sailing Family

Elizabeth's 1st VLOG! [πŸŽ₯80πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί]


Location: Yellow Patch
Latitude: -23.51000000
Longitude: 151.22000000
Published: 23 Nov 2021

The boys try killing themselves while Elizabeth tries Vlogging! It doesn't go so well... Join us as we sail over a bar into a remote anchorage called Yellow Patch, and then head on up to the Keppel Islands. (Sorry this VLOG was late. It was Elizabeth's fault :).

We are posting live updates on our social channels:

0:00 - Crossing the bar into Yellow Patch
1:34 - This is no ordinary beach
4:22 - Weather update
5:09 - Elizabeth's 1st VLOG!
7:34 - Starting a fire with a blow torch. Sure, go ahead kids!
8:05 - Dawn departure for the Keppels
10:23 - There are worst way to spend your days in QLD Australia
13:13 - Hiking the Keppels without pants
15:50 - What pandemic?! Are we the luckiest people on earth?
16:50 - "Sunset Drinks"
18:00 - Dingy Anchor Trick
18:46 - Dad's are always right
20:44 - Night fishing
21:59 - We need a Mask Sponsor!


ABOUT US: We are a family of five sailing around the world on a performance catamaran named "Archer" and sharing our adventures in family-friendly episodes every Tuesday!

OUR ROUTE: We departed the Boston area of the United States and sailed south to the Caribbean and then west through the Panama Canal. We have dealt with massive repairs in the South Pacific, the Coronavirus lock down in New Zealand, a Category 5 Cyclone in Fiji, and now we are cruising in Australia.

OUR PAST: You may remember us as "SV Honeymoon?" Ten years ago ("before kids"), we sailed a Lagoon 380 named Honeymoon halfway around the world to Sydney, Australia. Along the way we shared our experiences via YouTube and, by happenstance, created one of the very first "sailing channels." We also realized what an incredible experience we were having and that someday we wanted to do it again, only this time with kids.

FAQ: More questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page on our website or answers to many of your questions in this 40 minute episode:

PLEASE COMMENT!: As a channel with kids on-board, we are required to actively monitor all comments, but we still want to hear from you. Tell us what you think!

THANKS for watching all. Subscribe and never miss an episode!

