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Sailing Life on Jupiter

When locked down in Cape Town South Africa we had the spare time to start putting together some videos that we wanted to share with our family and friends. Cruising the world and life onboard, is pretty difficult to describe to people verbally. Making videos about this lifestyle help them understand why we love it. This was the beginning of our sailing channel. The early footage was never intended to entertain, or enlighten, so the early vids are a bit of a patchwork. I hope that our videos inspire other dreamers to reach out, focus and obtain your dreams. Hopefully some inspiration to "Quit Job and Go Sailing". Life is not supposed to be about just getting by. I find it ridiculous to spend your life paying off a mortgage just so that at the end of it, you have somewhere to live. You’ve only got one shot at it, as far as I can tell…. so make it special. 
Dream big. Live in the “now”. Make every moment count…. towards your dreams.

Website stats

Articles count: 171
Articles view count: 5693

YouTube stats

Video count: 191
Subscriber count: 17.2 K
View count: 2.23 M
Channel published at: 29 Sep 2019

Sailing Life on Jupiter on the map

171 articles by Sailing Life on Jupiter
