A helluva shakedown sail!! - F [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

A helluva shakedown sail!! - Forced to abandon our plans and divert to a bail out port! #49


Location: Adriatic Sea
Latitude: 41.86000000
Longitude: 17.29000000
Published: 21 Jul 2023

Our first sail of the season was due to be a three day passage but building seas force us to head to one of our bail out ports instead.

With the wind and swell all over the place and not as forecast our shakedown sail from Montenegro soon became a rolly sleep deprived passage and we decided, rather than endure days of unpleasant conditions, we would change course and divert to a bail out port in Italy.

Join us as we start the 2023 sailing season straight in at the deep end!

#liveaboardsailboat #sailboat #sailing #lifeonaboat #sailinglife #bluewatersailboat #sailaroundtheworld



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