Sailing through FOG | blind na [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Sailing through FOG | blind navigation in fog using marine radar | A lightning show at anchor! #14


Location: Baiona
Latitude: 42.12000000
Longitude: -8.85000000
Published: 25 Feb 2022

In this episode we navigate our sailboat in fog with near zero visibility. We use our Raymarine Axiom marine electronics and radar to help us blindly navigate through the fog out of Ria de Arousa in the Spanish Rias. We use signals to ensure other boats know where we are in case they’re sailing in the fog without radar! Once out we sail down the coast of Spain in the fog to Baiona emerging out of the fog only at the very last minute.

We then spend a couple of days exploring Baiona and the huge castle there, are treated to an amazing thunder and lightning show whilst at anchor, and make an early departure for Porto encountering dolphins and possibly an Orca en route.

#sailinglife #fog #navigation #sailingadventures #sailing

