We’ve made it! 1,200 Nautical [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

We’ve made it! 1,200 Nautical Miles done - no more overnight sailing (for now anyway)! #59


Location: Mediterranean Sea
Latitude: 34.55000000
Longitude: 18.05000000
Published: 8 Dec 2023

Six weeks to sail 1,200 nm from Montenegro to the South of France, in spring, even with the Mediterranean’s famous “all the wind or no wind”??

That’s plenty of time, or so we thought!!

But, with spring slow to start in the Mediterranean this year, we ended up pinned down by bad weather for weeks and becalmed floating around in circles going nowhere....

By now we were tired from overnight passages and frustrated by the inaccuracies of weather forecasts in the Mediterranean but, as we began what we hoped would be our last night at sea for a while, and with the forecast seemingly coming true, we were excited to finally arrive and slow down....

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