A Whale of a Good Time - A Wha [...]
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Owner: Harbors Unknown

A Whale of a Good Time - A Whale Watch & History at Nantucket Whaling Museum | Harbors Unknown Ep 39


Location: Cape Cod
Latitude: 41.67000000
Longitude: -70.30000000
Published: 3 Sep 2021

A Whale of a Good Time - A Whale Watch & History at Nantucket Whaling Museum | Harbors Unknown Ep 39

We’ll be at the Annapolis boat show in October so if you’re planning to attend please let us know in the comment section. We’d love to connect! Be sure to use promo code harborunknown2021 for $5 off admission.

This week we’re sailing our Seawind 1600 catamaran 40 NM from Provincetown to Gloucester through the waters of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, the summer home to 3 major whale species, Humpback, Fin and Minke. We’re keeping our eyes peeled and our fingers crossed for a whale sighting. While conservation is now a priority there is a long history of whaling in this area, Nantucket in particular. We paid a visit to the Whaling Museum while in Nantucket to learn about this storied past. Innumerable whales were sacrificed to illuminate homes, lighthouses and streets in the 18th and 19th century and used as an ingredient in pharmaceuticals. Thankfully whaling in this part of the world has been outlawed for many years and conservation efforts to ensure a healthy population are a major priority. A huge thank you to the Nantucket Whaling Museum and to Miranda for giving us an enlightening tour & sharing so much knowledge about Nantucket’s history.

Our arrival in Gloucester makes us one step closer to our ultimate sailing destination this season, the Maine coast.

If you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up, leave us a comment down below, and be sure to subscribe to our channel. It really helps us out. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you next time!

If you're new here, Harbors Unknown is the story of two dreamers, Kristin and Fabio Potenti, and our French Bulldog dog Yoda. We sold our home at the beginning of the pandemic (May 27th, 2020) and moved aboard our Seawind 1600 #catamaran, Wanderlust, in September. We're sailing her to Harbors Unknown, to explore the world’s vast cultures through food, a common thread amongst people everywhere. Connecting with people and places through the local cuisine, and showing how those dishes can be cooked on a boat with limited space and resources. We share our adventures as a sailing couple living on a boat and how it’s possible to live an #alternativelifestyle that provides freedom and fulfillment. We have just set off on our voyage sailing around the world, after exploring the beautiful waters of South Florida, the Florida Keys, and the Bahamas. Subscribe now to join our #sailingadventure.

Our Video Production Gear:
Main Camera: https://amzn.to/3ik0LSu​
NEW Vlogging Camera: https://amzn.to/33XquK2
Main Lens: https://amzn.to/2LByP0j​
NEW Cinematic Lens: https://amzn.to/3d2L0wI
Gimbal: https://amzn.to/3igBFDI​
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3bHOvd3​
Wireless Microphone: https://amzn.to/3iZstUW​
Action Cam: https://amzn.to/39F6TAR​
Drone: https://amzn.to/2LSZ5TE​
Light: https://amzn.to/3bIPNog​
Computer: https://amzn.to/2XKfJYo​
Monitor: https://amzn.to/3nOpKOT​

Sailing Gear:
Fabio's HUK Shirts: https://amzn.to/3u9qAsp
Fabio's Shelta Hat: https://amzn.to/3bCYhfG
Kristin's HUK Shirts: https://amzn.to/3whVOzh

Book Mentioned - In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex: https://amzn.to/3l5DF3R
#sailinglife #sailinglifestyle #sailingcouple #harborsunknown #SailingChannel #catamaranlife #liveaboard catamaranboatlife #wanderlust #travelchannel #newenglandtravel #travellikealocal #travelvideo #travelvlog #thebestsailingvlog #newsailingvlog #youtubetravelchannel #adventuretravel #traveldeeper

00:00-00:34 Episode Intro
00:35-01:01 Channel Intro
01:02-05:09 Sailing from Provincetown + Our Own Personal Whale Watch
05:10-12:23 Nantucket Whaling Museum
12:24-15:10 Sailing into Gloucester

