BOATYARD 3/3: Priming, Paintin [...]
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Owner: L’Odyssée de Sagar Rani

BOATYARD 3/3: Priming, Painting and it Looks Like a NEW Boat! and IT'S SPLASH DAY !! // Ep. 43


Location: Port Takola Yacht Marina & Boatyard Krabi
Latitude: 8.04000000
Longitude: 98.90000000
Published: 23 Jul 2020

(🇫🇷 juste dessous ) Last part of our boatworks at the boatyard! ... Finally, because we were starting to get impatient to be back on the water! On the program: make a hole in the hull to install the depth gauge probe, make 4 coats of two-component primer (a ferrocement hull does not allow all kinds of primer ... A single-component, like the one we had before , does not hold strong enough), 2 coats of antifouling, 2 coats of white paint, placing the logo in front ...
This is all hardwork! But we are very happy ... We will be able to see if nothing is leaking and if our little care has done our rudder good.

We also explain the costs for this boat refit, and how we managed to finance the rest ... Because yes, in the end we did not manage to finish in 14 days. Let's be clear that these costs depend on the type of boats, on countries, on boatyards, etc. Note, however, that we have NOT included the prices of primer-antifouling-white paint and anything else necessary.

After the effort comes the reward: we take you with us to explore the rivers in the mangroves of Krabi ... Simply stunning.

Next week, we'll take you to Koh Phi Phi Island, where it's usually crowded with tourists: we were almost the only ones ...

Ocean of love,

Claire, Jo and Sticky

🇫🇷 Dernière partie du carénage… Enfin, car on commençait à avoir hâte d’être de retour sur l’eau! Au programme: faire un trou dans la coque pour installer la sonde du profondimètre, faire 4 couches de primer bi-composant ( une coque en ferrociment ne permet pas toutes les sortes de primer… Un mono-composant, comme celui qu’on avait avant, ne tient pas assez fort), 2 couches d’antifouling, 2 couches de peinture blanche, la mise en place du logo en avant…
Que du travail faire un carénage! Mais on est bien content… On va pouvoir voir si rien ne fuit et si nos petits soins ont fait du bien à notre safran.

On vous explique aussi les coûts pour ce carénage, et comment on a réussi à financer le reste… Car oui, finalement on n’a pas réussi à finir en 14 jours. On précise que ce sont des coûts qui dépendent de bateaux en bateaux, de pays, de carénages, etc. Notons par contre que l’on n’a pas inclus les prix du primer-antifouling-peinture blanche et tout autre chose nécéssaire.

Il faut dire aussi qu’après l’effort vient la récompense : on vous emmène avec nous explorer en dinghy les rivières dans les mangroves de Krabi… Tout simplement magnifique.

La semaine prochaine, on vous emmène sur l’île de Koh Phi Phi, là où habituellement ça grouille de touristes, nous étions presque les seuls…

Bises de nous 3,

Claire, Jo et Sticky


🇬🇧We set sails to follow our 2 passions: the OCEAN and SAILING

We are a young ocean lovers couple, Claire and Jo ( with our cat Sticky!) living on a sailboat full time and sailing around the world on a small budget but with big dreams. To accomplish our dream of living on the ocean, we chose a 1984 ferrocement boat, Sagar Rani. A simple lifestyle: exactly the one we always wanted as a young sailing couple. In our sailing travel vlogs, we will bring you sailing with us, showing you the real boat life ( so some boat works!), spearfishing, exploring the ocean, hiking, visiting new countries, new cultures, kitesurfing... Well, in fact, we'll share the reality of our sailing lifestyle around the world!


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