Antifouling, Polishing, Servic [...]
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Owner: Mothership Adrift Travel and Sailing

Antifouling, Polishing, Servicing a Sailboat In Curaçao Boat Yard, While Homeschooling kids! Ep 113


Location: Curaçao
Latitude: 12.17000000
Longitude: -68.99000000
Published: 30 Jan 2022

#boat maintenance #boatyard #antifouling #polishing boat hull #sailing family #boatyard jobs #boatjobs #fixing your boat

When we arrived in Curaçao, we had our boat hauled out by a tractor which was a new experience for us.. and slightly unnerving. Then, we immediately flew to Croatia to be part of a docuseries #TheWonderProjectSeries. We can't wait to share with you when it's released later this year!

While in Europe, we stopped by England for a few months to wait out the hurricane season, because we did not want to overstay our visas in Curaçao on our return.

When we did finally return to the boat, we had to service the outboards, service the bow thruster as well as re anti-foul the hull, as the boat had been out of the water for some time and needed a refresh!

The Curacao Marine boat yard was hot, mosquito ridden and no fun. However, there was a very nice pagoda where the kids were able to do their homeschooling.. where the local wildlife created a few distractions.

Music in this video deserves a Thanks to :

" Mon Amie" by Josh Woodward. Free download:

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